Saturday, July 17, 2010

Denny Bangs His Head Once Again

It is a wonder Denny doesn't have brain damage. This 6 foot 3 inch guy is constantly hitting his head........ HARD! It happens a lot while we are in the RV because he is ducking around under slide outs and awnings and open cabinets. The cabinet was open above the TV (my bad), and he slammed right into the corner. He hit it hard, and it was quite dramatic. Hence, the bandaged head. OK. I am not just the neatest bandager in the world....
He always says, "I should have had a hat on!" Of course he has split his head open many times WITH a hat on, so I am not sure it will help, but...........
I found him a hat I hope will work.....

1 comment:

Janis Van Keuren said...

Poor Denny! Tom said, "He hopes none of his wisdom leaked out."--- And we expect to see that hat when you two are back in AZ!!!
What a kick!

Tell Denny we are praying for him so that his head heals and that he doesn't bang it anymore--at least not on this trip!!!!

Tom and Janis