Sunday, July 11, 2010

Dear Out Doorsy Person!

So, I don't do this blog much any more because It is just so much easier to update on Facebook. I know some of you don't do Facebook. Well, this was just too good not to pass on. As many of you know, we are in Louisville, Kentucky visiting Brian and Chandra for a month. We have our RV and our truck, and our bikes, and our kayaks on top of the truck. Afterall, aren't there a lot of lakes in Kentucky? We leave the kayaks on top of the truck because it is just easier. We have had some harrowing moments, like on the fourth of July when we forgot they were there and we tried to drive in a parking garage with low clearance.
So, today, we are parked at Sojourn Community Church in the parking lot, and of course we have parked our truck with the kayaks on top. After the service, we head out and Denny finds this note on our windshield:

Dear Out Doorsy Person!

I noticed your kayaks and was wondering if I could rent them from or (or borrow) sometime? I wanted to go kayaking within the next couple of weeks........

The person left her name and email.......


Janis Van Keuren said...

Too funny!! I love it. So, are you going to let them rent or borrow your kayaks? That is if they attend the church--you outdoorsy folks!


kathy said...

Hey there,
Our dear daughter, Katie Magee,who loves to kayak, worshipper @ Sojourn suggested I read the blog and get w/y'all to share our funny camper story provided by the Lord(as all we have is and is His). We operate a ministry and we also are educators.If you have time, we would love to get together, but what is retirement? John and Kathy Magee @

Unknown said...

Oh! This story just gets funnier! Now I just got an IM from Jennifer, our friend in Houston who thinks she knows John and Kathy Magee!