Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Our Bee Encounter

We have had quite an encounter with bees in the past few years. They seem to love our house! Denny would tell you the moral of the story is "Get bees the minute you see them." We saw bees hovering again around our roof near the front door just before we left for our trip to Kentucky. Denny had sprayed them a couple of times, and was hoping he had deterred them.  We came home to many bees buzzing around. Again, we tried all the home remedies to no avail. We finally called a bee removal company. Actually, we called several. We had a guy come out who seemed to know his business. Two days and $700 later we have had a hive removed that was over 2 foot by 2 foot...


Janis Van Keuren said...

That's huge--the beehive, I mean. The bill isn't small either. Glad the problem is gone! Now you can "B" at ease when you go in and out of your house.


Unknown said...

I bought some bee hive boxes, frames, excluder, lid, base, super, protective clothing and finally 3 pounds of bees and a queen.
They flew away.