Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Denny yelled "Stop!" and I did!

We were walking this morning, and I saw a snake right in front of me. I jumped over it and screamed. It was little, dead, and not a rattler. We laughed, and talked about keeping our eyes open! About 30 minutes later, Denny yells, "Stop!" I did. To the right in front of us, a live, big rattler in the road. We watched it for a bit, as it slithered to the side of the road and into a pack rat hole. The pack rat came running out of her back door! We stayed to watch. Sadly, she probably had babies in that hole, and stayed near the entrance, but did not re enter! The snake already looked pretty fat, so we assumed it had already eaten. So, again, we said, "We better keep our eyes open!" In response to this picture and story, I get an email immediately back from Carrie:

"MOM! You have to get out of that God-forsaken hell hole you call home! Move to Texas! :)"

I responded: "You have mosquitos bigger than that in Texas!"

1 comment:

Janis Van Keuren said...

Ooooh! I HATE snakes. And they're out early this year. I'd better keep my eyes open!